We have a winner for the Baby Travel iPhone App photo contest! This contest was open to subscribers to Dr. Northrup’s e-newsletter and we got some great entries. The Pop-a-Tot activity center goes to Jen Salko.
Jen Salko’s picture will be featured on the BabyTravel iPhone app the week of June 20. Two other contest entrants from Dr. Northrup’s subscibers will be featured in the following weeks, including Margaret Windmer the week of June 27 and Jennifer Benner the week of July 4.
We are proud to be a part of the celebration of Dr. Northrup’s newly revised book,
Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom.
As you may know, Dr. Northrup’s newest version of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom is now available from your favorite bookseller. Women all over the world are grateful for the up-to-date information and Dr. Northrup’s approach for sharing it in the newest edition. Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom is now an essential guide on how to truly flourish in a female body, not just avoid disease. In fact, the newest edition of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom is an owner’s manual designed to teach you everything that can go right with your body.
Like her latest show for Public Television (also called Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom), Dr. Northrup’s revised Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom is for every woman of any age.
If you have two X chromosomes or know someone with two X chromosomes, I encourage you to get your copy of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom today!